Lubao Steel Pipe and the resident fire brigade held a joint


date:2021-10-19 15:35

 In order to further enhance the safety awareness of Lubao Steel Pipe employees, strengthen safety knowledge education, and improve fire emergency handling and fire safety rescue capabilities. A few days ago, Lubao Steel Pipe and Fushan District Fire Brigade conducted a joint fire drill in the PQF production line material warehouse area.

The main purpose of this exercise is to test the ability of the participants to call the police, evacuate, and use fire-fighting equipment in emergency situations such as fire, and to verify the feasibility and operability of the fire-fighting exercise. This exercise not only trained the rescue skills of safety firefighters, but also further tested the organization and response capabilities, and strengthened safety awareness.
Preventing troubles before they happen can last for a long time; preventing dangers gradually can ensure the country and the people are safe. Lubao Steel Pipe pays close attention to investigating fire safety issues, fully implements fire protection awareness in daily inspection work, and strengthens the attention of all employees to fire protection work.